What is homeopathy?
Homeopathy works by stimulating the body's own immune system to heal itself. It is an individualized practice that remedies body, mind & spirit based on the totality of the person.
Homeopathy is a system of medicine founded in the early 19th century by German physician, Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (1775-1843). Homeopathy derives from the greek words 'Homeo', meaning similar, and 'Pathos', meaning suffering. Homeopathy operates on a "Like cures like" principle that has been used for more than 200 years, and is now confirmed by an increasing number of research publications.

"We had _____'s IEP meeting this week and she's losing her services now because she's thriving in school academically and socially! Feels like we finally made the turn and I don't have that horrible worry in my stomach over what she'll be able to do or not do. From day 1 you never wavered that she'd get here (I doubted) and told us she was fine and would be fine. You never made judgements or made us feel like she was "broken" or labeled. In a time where no one could tell us she was OK, you were the voice of hope and positivity and homeopathy helped her so much through this whole journey.
I'm so grateful we found YOU and homeopathy at the onset of this journey. I just wanted to share some really happy news instead of texting you with panic for a change. I really just wanted to share our gratitude for the huge role you played in us getting here. You were an angel to us in a very dark and uncertain time. I now am excited for her future instead of worrying about what she won't be able to experience. And hearing her pour her love to me every day is just something I will never take for granted after working so hard for it. I think moms need to see that this is possible with a lot of hard work!"
“ I wanted to let you know that after eliminating coffee, yeast and corn from my diet, my hands are totally clear. Thanks so much for all your help. I’m also 14 lbs down since we first spoke in October. The weight is coming off slowly, but going in the right direction. I went on a cruise and only gained one pound, that’s a first for me. "
“Thanks so much for all your help, it’s so appreciated, Danielle. I was dealing with my eczema for five years and had been to 7 drs with no results except for temporary relief from meds. I’ll be sure to keeping passing your info along while singing your praises."
"My girls haven't had a sick visit in 3 plus years! Only yearly well visits for them... and barely any acute sick sessions with you! Thanks for all your help making my kiddos so strong."
"I gave the remedy Friday night. He has had a GREAT week. After weeks of tougher days at school, his teachers said he's been much better behaviorally this week for the first time since his seizure. I'm so happy to hear this news!"
"I wanted to share how powerful the remedies have been. My sleep has been deep and wonderful with internal processing. I've been encountering people in my past in my dreams and letting so much go in such a simple beautiful way. "
"My cholesterol went down by nearly 100 points! Thank you for advising me."
"Homeopathy for the win! _____ Literally dove into her crib last night - slept through the night. First time in a month. And then woke up singing instead of the normal screaming."

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Experience the power of Reiki, a gentle yet profound energy healing technique that promotes relaxation, balance, and overall well-being.
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